
Saturday, 18 April 2015

Sketching with box and Details Drawing

Sketching with box:

In this exercise, we're required to find 4 images (Cupboard, Sofa, Chair and Table) and sketch it with a pen. The purpose on this exercise is build up our confident on using pen to sketch and use the boxes when drawing the elements to get the idea of the proportions, measurements, spacing and perspective in a composition.

In this exercise, I gain more confident on sketching by using box to get my position right.

Details Drawing:
In this assignment, we're required to draw an A3 sized details of the object by using the rendering technics . We can choose either Leaf, Dead Beetle, Shoe and Car.

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Sketch note and movie story sketching

Sketch Note:

As for today's class, we learn all about sketch note. Rather then taking notes by word it is kinda boring as for sketch note will be interesting then alphabet. Although it will take more a bit time on sketching than words, as result the outcome of a sketch note will looks better than words.

We design our own character that represent ourself in class and practicing by sketching the daily activities. 

6 Fundamentals of Visual Notetaking:

Minor sketch in class. " Reading is listening to the music with your eye"

After that, we had a minor exercise too, Architecture Writing. We need to practice write using architecture writing and in different calligraphy.

Movie Sketch Note:
After that, we've been given a task that we need to apply the 6 fundamentals of visual notetaking. In this task, we're required to watch a comedy movie and based on the movie do an A3 sized visual notetaking.

The movie that I choose for this task, Ted.

I'm quite enjoy because I love this movie a lot. If can, I wish I have a talking teddy bear too.

Monday, 6 April 2015

Object and Tonal Values

For the first week of Degree, we back to basic - sketching basic shapes and tonal value.
To refresh what we learned from Foundation in Design, and for those who just started their Design course.

Visual Diary task 1: Tonal Value 
a practice for shading 





Week 2
Expression in sketching 

Assignment 1.1b:
Choose 6 random item and arranged them nicely.
Took a photo of it on whichever angle you prefer and use that photo to draw out the sketch
We are required to use ONLY hatching, cross-hatching, scribbling, stippling or all of them in this task. NO outline.

The six items

For me, shading without outline quite suffering, because I'm used to shade with outline. In other ways to view it, I'm quite glade I had experience this. I learned more technic on shading.