
Saturday 24 December 2016

Interior Design Project 1: Research Findings: Curative Service

In this semester 4 of interior design project subject,we're going to design a curative retreat center in total of 3 projects, 2 group project and 1 individual.. Before that, we have to draw luck to pick a topic from the selections that set from our lecturers. The choices are weight management, dietary / nutrition, occupational, aesthetic, native and cerebral. For my group, we get weight management topic and I was a bit sad because I wish to have dietary topic but its okay I take it as challenge. 

As for our first stage of designing projects, we need to considerate our clients / main user of the space and understand the possibility of the activities. Weight management could be a wide range, from children to senior citizens, its a need in every stage. Based on our group discussion, we decided to focus on confinement women. After we decided our focus group, we start planning the programme according to the user needs, wants and condition. From my perspective, this stage is crucial because we need to understand the needs and wants and based on that, create a functionality and visual relaxation space for the user. Last but not least, we combined all our research into a video presentation.

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